A «great piece» of Germany with us

Hoy ha amanecido nublado. Quizá, porque el cielo también sabía que nos despedíamos en breve de uno de nuestros Tesoros.  Lars vuelve a casa mañana. Le echaremos de menos. Y tanto que sí.

El cierre de semana ha salido bordado. Desayuno potente, clases..y después de comer…las presentaciones de nuestros proyectos! Lo trabajado en los talleres durante la semana, lo íbamos a compartir delante de todo el colegio. Cada uno ha expuesto un tema diferente, todos igual de interesantes.

Aparcado el micrófono, lo hemos sustituido por el delantal y nuestra clase de cocina. Unas pizzas deliciosas que nos cocinó nuestro Pablo. Otros optaron por Yoga o fútbol.

Hoy, día especial, lo hemos cerrado con Disco y el picoteo de frivolidades lo hemos bajado enseguida con un cha cha cha.

Qué semana más buena. See you soon Lars. Has sido una gran aportación al mini grupo. GRACIAS.

Felices sueños desde una Inglaterra lluviosa.

Today we had a cloudy day. That might be probably because even our sky was aware that we soon would say good bye o one of our Treasures. Lars will departure tomorrow. We will miss him. Definetly.

We closed the week succesfully. Super powerful breakfast, lessons and after lunch…our project presentations! Everything worked during the week in the workshop lesson, was today presented to the rest of the school. Each of them spoke about different topics, all of them very interesting and well presented. WELL DONE. 

We replaced the microphone with the apron. The Cooking lesson was waiting for Pablo. What a delicious pizza! Helena preferred  Yoga and the other 3 Treasures, football.

Today, an special day, we closed it with a Disconight and some frivolities with thousands of calories that were burnt with our cha cha cha dancing.

What a delightful week. See you soon Lars. You have been of great contribution to our Mini Group. And WE THANK YOU for that.

Happy Dreams from rainy Englad.


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